Meet Spark

Your most important tool in life.

4 minute, uncut, raw demo of Spark.

A new way to utilize LLMs

Spark interfaces with the apps you love, boosting your productivity.

Spark ActionsSpark Actions

A unified interface to boost your productivity:

  • Streamline Tasks
    Create event invites, create playlists, or organize your to-dos.
  • Customized Interactions
    Tailor Spark to your style. Spark learns and adapts to your preferences.
  • Intuitive Design
    Navigate with ease.

Responsible Use of Data:

  • Selective Access
    Spark accesses only the apps and corresponding data you permit.
  • Purpose-Driven Data Use
    Spark uses data when answering queries like "When's my next meeting?" or performing tasks requiring specific information, like "Follow Bob on X."
  • Data Security
    All fetched data is securely handled and erased after each conversation.
Disclosure: Energize AI's use and transfer of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
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